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16 07, 2021

Find Inspiration at Maffitt Lake for Your Landscape

By |2023-07-09T02:52:26+00:00July 16, 2021|Categories: Articles|

Maffitt Lake is one of Des Moines hidden gems found where all the county lines meet, Warren, Dallas, Madison and Polk. Known for its beautiful scenery of Prairie, woodlands, and a 200-acre lake it is a perfect retreat for a little bit of inspiration! If you’re an Maffitt Lake resident or enthusiast looking to make your home even more beautiful [...]

6 06, 2020

Interesting Lawn Care Trivia that Everyone Should Know

By |2024-05-21T13:17:07+00:00June 6, 2020|Categories: Articles|

Lawn care is more than just maintenance; it’s also full of interesting lawn care trivia. Did you know that the United States allocates approximately $30 million dollars annually to lawn care endeavors? This substantial figure makes sense when you consider that 85 million households boast private lawns. To sustain these verdant expanses, an astounding [...]

4 06, 2019

Summer Rose Care in the Iowa Heat

By |2024-08-29T14:45:06+00:00June 4, 2019|Categories: Articles|

Summer rose care is essential as these lush, fragrant, and gorgeous flowers have the time of their life during the summer months, charming you with their bright bold colors, their hypnotizing scents, and their surreal beauty. But the scorching summer months of Clive may also negatively impact your roses, together with pests and specific diseases, all leading [...]

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